Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I went to a seminar Tuesday on Genesis.  I felt like I was back in college.  The discussion was on DNA and replication.  Transcription to RNA.  And the impossible chance of adding traits to the genome.  Fascinating.  The general conclusion was that traits are lost (extinction) but not added.  And mutations are always digressive, never progressive.

I find that so interesting.  But of course, that's why I took all that junk in college and got a Zoology/PreMed degree.  People think I'm interested in animals.  No, just Squig.  I'm interested in biological processes.   I was looking for the truth.

My conclusion.  No way we could have evolved from mutation.  And science has come around to that way of thinking.  Things don't get more complex, they digress.  Natural Selection is the key to change, but within kind.  Kinds don't change.  That's where evolution theorists hit the wall.

The difference between the two ways of thinking, is that evolutionists start with one cell, (from some magical process) that divides into two cells (this takes DNA and a sophisticated replication process).  And the thing just gets better and better, growing new DNA chain arrangements until you have a human.  That just doesn't happen within DNA replication.

Microbiologists know this doesn't happen.

Nobody in one field cares much about what has been learned in other fields.  They are too busy expounding their own theories.

I haven't had to change anything I believe in the 60 years I have been studying this.  Not because I'm stupid, but because I started with the right theory.  And year after year, science has validated that theory.  There is an intelligent designer somewhere.

The only thing we disagree on is where that somewhere is, and Who or What that someone is.

In the sixties, the fad chant was, "God is dead."  Obviously, they were wrong.  And He didn't mutate.

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