Monday, March 12, 2018

Pat called to say she is giving me a birthday reception on the 31st.  My BDay is the 26th.  If a person is lucky, they get four score and ten years.  I've almost done the four score, still doing good and am planning on another score rather than only ten.  God has really blessed me with years.  And hopefully I can continue to keep my sanity.  Or maybe I've already lost it and don't know it????

Staying active and involved is the key.  Of course, I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I watch my weight.  On the other hand, I've had open heart surgery 45 years ago and on my third pacemaker.  But I never think about that.  The cardiologist says I have a perfect, strong heart.  It just doesn't beat--because they took the walls out forty five years ago, along with the timing mechanism. (AV node.)  Other than that,  I'm good.  All I need is a battery.  Wind me up and I'm good to go.

I worked David and Lindsey's estate sale Friday and Saturday.  It is amazing the things people do.  Lindsey had put a lot of pieces of jewelry in quart fruit jars--literally packed them with really nice stuff and screwed the lid on.  I was watching the shelves that the jars were on, and when people asked what was in them, I told them it was like a grab bag in a jar--but that everything in the jar was undamaged and useable.  If you buy the jar, you get everything--whatever--is in it.

However, this one woman proceeded to pour everything in one of the jars out on the tufted carpet!!  Blocking traffic.  What a mess.  Then she decided she didn't want the whole jar, just a few pieces.  Hundreds and hundreds of earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.  There was a sign on the wall which she ignored.  I explained to her that the price was for the entire jar, that you were not supposed to pour the contents out.  And that you couldn't cherry pick through it.  She wasn't happy.  I wasn't either, since it all had to picked up and a zillion pierced earrings were stuck in the carpet.  She didn't buy the jar.  By that time, I didn't want to sell it to her anyway.  I was nice.  I decided she probably couldn't read???

People are funny.  Some are really polite.  Some are rude.  I guess it takes all kinds.  I love to talk to the veterans.  They usually have a cap on with their service emblem.  I appreciate the fact that they served--and like to have an opportunity to tell them so.  Ken always wore a USMC cap when we went to breakfast, and inevitably some other jarhead would stop and they would visit.  Band of Brothers.  I'm always proud to say, "My husband was a Marine."

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