Monday, April 1, 2019

In the sixth chapter of Mark, Mark tells us about Jesus going to his home town and how he was completely rejected there.  Even his mother, brothers and sisters didn't exactly know what to think of Him.

All the men his age had probably played marbles, hop scotch, hide and seek and other games when they were children.  How had this kid grown up to be such a phenom?  Everybody was wondering.

Jesus said that a prophet is not received in his own hometown.  And then He took his twelve disciples and left.  Mark recorded dozens of miracles in Chapter one through six that Jesus had done.  His disciples had been there for that.  They had seen what Jesus could do, and how he could teach.

So He gathered them together and sent them out two by two to preach the gospel. They hadn't done that before.  I bet they were uneasy.  Like we are?  Jesus told them that if they weren't received, that they were to dust the dust from their feet and go on to the next town.  He empowered them to heal the sick and cast out demons.  Which they did. But after the dust off their feet settled, they came back to him, and told Jesus everything that had happened.

The point is this.  You don't have to have Jesus standing there with you to do what He sends you to do.  God has given you the power to share the story of Christ.  Tell what God has done in your life.  How you have been changed.

Jesus wanted the twelve to know all of this, because the day was coming when He wouldn't be physically present with them, but they had everything they needed whether he was physically present or not.  So do we.

They got it.  They changed the world with the story of Christ's resurrection.  You and I can change our world as well.  But you have to speak up.

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