Wednesday, June 12, 2019

As long as we are talking about faith, there is a very interesting verse in the Bible on the subject:  Ephesians 2:8.  "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:  It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast."

This verse says a number of things.  Foremost, that salvation, being saved from eternal death, is a gift from God.  You can't earn it.  It is not a bargaining chip. There are no balance scales where the good things you have done can outweigh the bad.  You have nothing to do with it at all. God himself took your sin upon himself.  Crucified.  He paid the price for you.  Completely.  Once and for all.

It is a 100% gift from God.  He gives it to us.  Through His grace.  None of the payment for sin can be worked out by you.  "...that not of yourselves."  But when you are grieved by the things you have done and ask for forgiveness through belief in Jesus the sacrificial lamb of God, He says he will forgive you, if it is true repentance.  Being sorry is not enough. You must give him your life.

But another thought is in there.  It is possible that the verse is also saying that even the faith you have is not of yourself--it also is the gift of God.  "...saved through faith, and (even) that is not of yourself...

Where does our faith come from?!!  Could it be that God gives us an inner light to respond to His voice.  And we choose to ignore it, or act upon it--in faith.

I think that God speaks to everyone at some point in their life.  But if we push His voice away, (the Bible calls that "quenching" the Spirit) we become hardened to the voice of God--hard hearted.  And there is another voice that comes to us that presses us to ignore the voice of God's Spirit.

The Bible says "Be...alert.  Your adversary the devil is prowling the earth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8  Satan is a faith killer. 

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