Thursday, June 6, 2019

Storms are coming in again.  Edmond is going to get it.  Rain, rain, rain.  And I am not "Singing' in the Rain" for sure.  We are drowning.

My garden looks pitiful.  The dirt was already there, I assumed it would be okay.  Wrong assumption.  Lousy dirt.  Pitiful results.  Okra will be okay because you can't kill okra.  It's like crab grass.  The peppers are wilting.  The tomatoes are just pitiful.  Next year.  "Hope rises eternal in the human breast."  Note to myself:  Get better dirt.

Squig has not recovered.  He is so listless that he sleeps through the storms. 
The vet said his gall bladder could be involved.  I am going to chase this down for a solution.  I'll take him back to the vet this afternoon.  He wouldn't get up this morning.  This is scary. 

Brady went home yesterday afternoon for the night.  He'll be back this morning for two more days of Bible School.  This gives him a break, but he was anxious to be sure he got to come back. Next year, I think he will be big enough to go without me to Bible School.  I can take him and pick him up and we can play in the afternoons.  I am a Bible school failure.  He is a success.

I think I've done my duty with Bible School.  This is my third year to take him and work in his room.  This year he remembers some of the kids--jumped right in and forgot that I was there.  He's ready to do it on his own.

He likes to put puzzles together and that is something I can do with him.  I hadn't put a puzzle together in years until he started to come stay with me.

I am rambling.  Next week, after I recover from Bible School, I'll do better.

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