Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Posting this week is disjointed.  Bible School is a killer.  Thank God that he gives the gift of working with children to some people--not me.  Give me teenagers anytime of the day.  I've been hanging in there.  Hanging is the operative word.

Spent another nine hours in the emergency room yesterday.  This is the seventh doctor in five days that couldn't figure out what was wrong.  But this time, I went straight to the top, to a vascular surgeon.  Ta-da!!  He brought film in, talked to me like I had a brain (When you are 81, they think you are senile and stupid and overreactive)  And the vascular surgeon figured everything out.  Showed me the CT scan, explained it to me step by step, and said to make an appointment for follow up so he could explore this anomaly further.  Yea!!!

Seems like I have a right carotid artery that is shaped like a double S snake, and when I lean my head to the right side, it kinks and blows up like a balloon.

Solution:  Don't tip my head to the right.  Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.  It isn't an aneurysm.  I don't need surgery, drugs, or therapy!  Just hold my phone to my left ear and bend left.  I can do that.  

The whole thing started when I was trying to type while talking to Carolyn.  I was holding my phone in place--between my right shoulder and my right ear so that both hands were free.  So the carotid artery kinked, my blood pressure went higher than a kite (I have low BP.)  And I got a huge bulge in my neck that was pounding like crazy.  And no one could figure out what was wrong with me.

Always start at the top of the doctor chain.  Always go to God first with your other problems.  He alone has all of the answers.  The entire drama pushed me to do some things that needed to be done.  Nothing like a good drama.

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