Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Woke up this morning at 3:30 to rain--and couldn't go back to sleep.  What we need is more rain???  I feel so sorry for the people along the Arkansas and other overflowing rivers.  This state is a disaster area right now. 

People who are flooded don't know what to do.  People who want to help them don't know what to do.  The authorities don't know what to do at this point either.  The water just keeps rising.  And most of the people don't have flood insurance because they aren't in the floodplain and didn't think they would ever need it.  It's really sad.

People are waiting for the water to go down.  It probably isn't going down for a while.  There is too much of it, and it keeps raining.

Brady and I planted potatoes the last time he was here at my house.  We dug them up yesterday, and decided to do it differently next year.  We had a dozen potatoes. None with a diameter greater than a quarter.  But we are proud of those little gems and going to slice and fry them today.

We used the wrong kind of soil.  I should have gotten Miracle Grow.

Which is Biblical.  Put the right stuff in your head, and when you need it, the right stuff will come out of your mouth.

"Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee." Psalms 119:11

"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."  Matthew 12:34  Dirty words in, dirty words out.  Don't fill your heart with dirty words.

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