Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I went to lunch with some of my Sunday class and they made me promise not to move any more furniture by myself.  I finally committed that I wouldn't.  That day.  I didn't promise I wouldn't move any furniture the next day???

"How do you do that!" One of them asked.  

"She sits on the floor and pushes furniture with her feet," another replied.

That's true, but now that I have those little round disk sliders, I don't have to work as hard. The only difficult part is getting the slider under the foot of the object to be moved.  Some things are too heavy for me to lift.  And that irritates me.  I want to be who I was.  Even ten years ago would work for me.

Youth is wasted on the young.  They have no idea what they have.  But maybe that is true with all our accumulating ages, not just youth.  We lose something in our life and only then do we appreciate what we had.  Until it's gone.

Strength, health, mobility, quickness, memory...and on and on.  Not counting body parts. Thank God I still have my own teeth!  Eating is at the top of my "things to do."  

The Bible says, "In everything give thanks, for this the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1Thes. 5:18.  Good thing it doesn't say, "...for everything..." because there are some things I'm not thankful for.  But "in" the middle of everything, I can lift my voice and find things to be thankful for.  

And as I lift my heart in thankfulness and itemize things God has blessed me with--instead of griping about what is wrong--my attitude is lifted, my spirit soars and I find that I am very satisfied with the life he has given me.  God is good.  Be thankful "in" your condition.  Not "for" it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for expressing how I feel. At 77, I have finally begun to accept the vagaries of aging. It angers me that I cannot do the things I was able to do even 2-3 years ago, but I accept that it is time for me to slow down and remember the past with fondness. Thanks again
