Monday, June 10, 2019

Squig went back to the doctor and got hydrated.  He is better.  He is the most expensive "free" dog I've ever known.  I think part of the problem is that it's been raining every day; he is afraid of rain, so he shakes for hours and it dehydrates him.    I give him anti-anxiety pills all the time when it's raining, but he still shivers and shakes and pants forever.  Terrified.  Enough rain.  The vet said that Squig is his first "Rain" dog.  Usually it's thunder or lightening.

There are at least three kinds of faith.

1.  Blind faith:  Someone tells you Jesus died for your sins, rose again, and if you believe in him and give him your life--all will be well.  He accepts your faith in him.  You don't have to know much about the Bible to believe in Christ.  The good thing is that your blind faith is in Him instead of Allah, Buddha, etc.  A lot of people have blind faith in the wrong thing.  Your faith must be in Christ.

2.  Emotional response:  You have knowledge about salvation, and at some point you feel as if God is speaking to you.  People need to be sure that they aren't just responding because their friends are, or that they are having a fear of hell, or they are getting caught up in crowd emotion.  Feelings aren't always reliable.  But sometimes, feelings and emotions lead us to God.

3.  Logical systematic response:  Some people have to be absolutely positive that the Bible is truth.  That what is written was recorded accurately.  That the written words are based on facts.  Sometimes it takes them awhile to reach that conclusion.  They have to have step one, step two...truth...then belief.

All three methods of accepting Christ as God, and as the penalty for your own sin, will work.  He does the saving--not you. You do the believing.  

If you know me, you know which one I am.  Which one are you?

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