Monday, June 24, 2019

I didn't post last Thursday.  I headed down the turnpike to Pryor at six in the morning and just didn't remember to do it.  First for everything.  I went to see my brother, and his diagnosis was the same as the cardiologist:  put a stethoscope to my neck and said Hummm....that's interesting...or odd...or unusual.  Pick a word.  So I guess that's the diagnosis.

I got to see my friend Sally.  I haven't seen her in four years.  I can't believe it has been that long.  But I moved to Edmond in 2015.  I can't believe that either.  Both of her daughters were there as well.  It was old-home-week for me.

Life slips through our fingers when we are doing something else.

I have tomatoes the size of a baseball.  They haven't turned red yet but they are close.  As soon as they turn, I'm going to take a shaker of salt out to the garden and eat a couple right off the vine.

My high school reunion is in two weeks.  I plan to go, but the closer it gets, the more I dread the drive.  And packing to stay over night.  And sleeping in a strange bed.  I've become a crudgemudgen?  I looked that word up in the dictionary and can't find it.  it must be an Okie word?

My friends Cindy and Jeanette and I are going to an Oklahoma City this after noon to a book store that is supposed to have a parallel Gospel.  You know...the four Gospels side by side on a page in chronological order.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John didn't write the same things about Jesus and I have a problem getting the order of events straight.  This book will help.  Like everything else I used to have, I loaned mine out and never got it back.  Who has it???

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