Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Well, I survived the first day at Bible School.  It is definitely not my age group of choice.  But I managed.  Brady--my grandson--had a blast. That was the point. 

Got a new set of doctor's opinions.  The emergency room radiologist said it wasn't an aneurism.  Another radiologist that came in the next morning and checked everything again, said that it was.  My brother Bill says it's an aneurism--So I am supposedly going to see a vascular surgeon tomorrow or the next day hopefully.  It is what it is.  Even if nobody agrees.

I appreciate those of you who are praying for me.  It is a comfort.

I feel like my body is out to get me.

But when I was 32, I saw a much worse medical crisis.  I had a tumor in my heart and they gave me less than 1% chance of survival.  I went into that surgery knowing that I probably wouldn't survive.  As they were wheeling me to surgery, the person who was rolling me in said he was surprised that I was so calm.  But I had turned it all over to God.  And here I am 81 years old. That's almost fifty extra years.  

Maybe God isn't done with me yet?  God does what He wants for his big plan, and it works better for our emotional state if we are tuned into that.  The secrete to being calm is to know that you know that you know Him.

One thing it forced me to think about is that I better finish this second book I'm working on.  Not being pessimistic--just precautionary.  So I spent most of yesterday afternoon working on it.  I'm almost there.  

I'll know more after I see the vascular surgeon.  

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