Monday, June 17, 2019

Here's a funny story.

I met with my cardiologist this last year and asked him a question.  "I'm curious.  How will you know when I've checked out and left this earthly domain?

Background:  I had open heart surgery 49 years ago; I was a guinea pig for a surgery that hadn't ever been done before.  It left me pacemaker dependent--I'm on my third (or fourth--I've lost track) pacemaker;  I have no beats of my own.  (The beat goes on.)  If I faint, no need for CPR--I need a battery!!  

So if my pacemaker keeps my heart beating, how would someone know that I had died and gone on to Glory?  That was my question.

I was telling my friend Jeanette that story and she said: "Oh, Janie, we'll know.  You'll stop talking."  Ha ha ha.  That's what good friends are for?  Count on Jeanette to come up with the perfect punch line. 

I admit, anyone who knows me, knows that my favorite mode of communicating is verbal.  I love conversation.  I love to hear your voice.  And I guess that I must love to hear my own voice...I admit, I'm full of words. 

My children say that I've always got to make a story better--by improving it.  And perhaps exaggeration is one of my "gifts?" I know I have a talent for expanding stories. I do love adjectives.

But the truth is "in there" somewhere. 

Maybe that's why I started writing when I was 75!!  I needed somewhere to put all of the words, all of the adjectives that are in my head.

God bless my adjectives.  And may my readers benefit.

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