Friday, June 7, 2019

Brady is now hooked on the same stupid show that I watch.  "My 600 pound life."   It is a study in stupidity.  People say they don't know what to do about weighing 700 or more pounds, and keep stuffing Twinkies, potato chips, Cheetos and Little Debbies in their mouths--all day long.

Brady told the TV screen, "Stop eating junk!!"  But it is fascinating to watch people do stupid stuff.  You just sit there and watch them, and shake your head in amazement.  Then you ask yourself, "Why in the world am I watching this idiotic show?"  How do you get through 12 years of public education and not get a basic understanding of calories and what they do to your body???  I don't get it.  But maybe they were absent that day.  

You know how it is going to turn out--because these people have a disconnect between what they are doing--and what the result is.  They say the weirdest things--giving their excuses for eating things they shouldn't--and why they can't stop doing it.  When they go back to the doctor after two months, they say that they are retaining water--since they have gained weight instead of losing it.  Doing the same things, expecting different results!! Little Debbie logic??

We need to take care of our bodies.  God lives inside!!  I think one problem is that we give our children quick stuff to eat, because we live life on the run and it is an easy solution.  Children learn to eat what you give them. You train their taste buds.  If you were born in the Orient, you would eat rice and fish every day.  And crave rice and fish.  In America we have chips and dip at every school event and at every church event.  We are hooked.  Kids learn (early) to eat things that aren't great for them.  Bad stuff tastes so good--fat and sugar.  If you leave broccoli, carrot sticks or other veggies by the hummus instead of the chips and sour cream dip, they will get used to it.

Just saying......"Know ye not that your body is the temple of God?"

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