Monday, June 3, 2019

Squig had to go back to the vet.  I couldn't take it--not knowing if he was better or not.  I told the vet that we were there to treat the mother.   He got a kick out of that.   He reassured me that this treatment for pancreatitis might take time, but was a lot more encouraging about Squig's diet than the other vet I saw.  So I will make my appointments in the future with this guy.  I really liked him. 

This is Squig's first sickness ever.  Ever. 

I was afraid Squig had lost weight, and when you weigh 12 pounds, any weight loss is significant.  But all was well.  Squig finally gave up and this morning ate some of the dry food he had been turning his nose up at.  Yea.

Maybe he will give up and eat it from now on?

At least I feel better about the whole thing.

I can't help but wonder how many vet appointments are to treat the mother.  It is hard when you can't figure out what is going on with your dog.  It would be better if they could talk.

I called my choir director and told him I couldn't come and why, and he told me to bring my dog with me.  Greatest choir director in the world.  I wouldn't do that, but thought it was lovely that he offered.

Squig didn't lose weight, but I lost two pounds in the last ten days.  Worry does that to you.  I surely have prayed for Squig.  I added him to my list of sick people I pray for.  

I think God understands.


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