Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I have kept walking around the block this month at seven in the morning before it gets hot.  Missed once when it was raining.  I hope it helps me get my strength back. I’m so non-mechanical that it took me two weeks to figure out that the walker handles could be adjusted up and down.

I’ve been eating mashed potatoes for breakfast.  “Idahoan” brand.  I have a hot water tap at my sink...so it is instant.  I love things that are instant!!! Food is my biggest problem.  It is hard to cook for one person.  And my mama taught me never to throw food out---which is impossible anymore.

My publisher came by yesterday.  We are trying to get my next book on the market.  I sent an e-mail copy to my brother Bill, and he found over twenty mistakes--that’s after I had edited it myself over and over.  I can’t find my own mistakes because my mind reads what I “want” it to say.  July is almost over.  Where has this year gone?!!?  

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