Monday, July 15, 2024

I walk around the block every morning and meet all of the neighborhood dogs.  I remember the dogs names  but can’t seem to recall the owners  names. 

 I have to get myself a  dog.  I just don’t know where to go to get it.  I don’t want a puppy.  I can’t do that again.  I want a female that is small and doesn’t shed.  No more males.  Squig ruined the skirt on my loveseat--I could never catch him in the act.  I can clean up the floor if a dog makes a mess, but furniture is impossible.  Iv’e tried all of those products that they advertise.  They don’t work.

Bill (my brother) is editing “The Corsair Pilot” for me this week.  I can’t do it for myself.  I can’t see mistakes. Carolyn will give the book another read and edit as well. I want this thing out of here!!!  Once I’m done....I’m done.  I’ve started on another book.  But I haven’t gotten my mo-jo back yet.  All I want to do lately is eat Cheetos.

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