Wednesday, July 17, 2024

When I write, I edit it constantly.  And when it is finally ready to print, I give it to Bill to read.  That’s when I find out that it isn’t ready to print!  He has already found over 25 mistakes.  It is so helpful to have someone do that for me.  I can’t catch my own mistakes.  

My publisher is supposed to bring me a contract this week.  I hope so.  I’ll give her all of my brother’s corrections and be done.  “Done.”  Becky says “done” is her favorite word.  I agree.  

And now that it is “done” I have started writing again.  Something fresh and new.  My mind if freed up to start inventing another story.  I am not particularly a writer, I am a story teller.  My girls say, “Give mom one fact and she will turn it into 300 pages.”

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