Monday, July 22, 2024

The aging process is a enigma.  You never know where you are.  In your 80’s, you realize that time is not on your side, but on any given day, you feel great...and then next day the you don’t.  And you ask yourself, “Is this it?”  I think I am doing everything a person can do to stay healthy,  but my body sometimes doesn’t agree with my mind.

You don’t dare complain.  People don’t like to hear complaints no matter what your age is.  And you really don’t know if you have something going on that you should complain about!!!  Maybe it is just a bad day.

My dad lived to ninety-four and the only complaint he ever made was once: he told me about the plate of leftovers I had set on the table for him.  It was something he didn’t want to eat.  So I fried him an egg and he was happy.  I wish all of us could be satisfied so easily.   

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