Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I’ve been reading my way through the New Testament again, and finally got to Revelation.  Tough reading.  Everyone has an opinion and I got to hear the very best of scholars in the late 1940’s.  My pastor was Ken’s dad and he had huge linen bolts of fabric, hung from hooks in the ceiling at our church.  They read from left to right, with very artistic colored pictures that depicted the prophecies of both Danial and Revelation.  And in the years since, I have heard and read many differences of opinions.  But my go-to guy on the subject now is my son Scott.  He’s who I call when I have a question--which I did last night.  In one of the Revelation prophecies there were 45 missing days and I couldn’t figure out where they went.  I won’t go into it, but he answered my question and in the discussion said, “You notice that Dan is not included in the twelve tribes of Israel in Revelation Chapter 7.  He was cursed as a serpent in the Genesis 49, and Judges 18--because he led his tribe into the worship of idols.”  Well, no.  I didn’t remember that and had never noticed it when I read Revelation chapter 7.  Scott has become a Bible guru on details like that.  I guess we can learn from our children.  

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