I think I have found the draft of The Corsair. It took me all day yesterday. Thank goodness for “Finder.” I will have to read every page all 300 of them to know for sure. I need a better filing system!!...which means I don’t have a filing system.
Today I go to breakfast with Ann. She will be her in a few minutes. Then I get my hair done, come home and eat lunch and start reading, reading, reading. I hope I have found the right manuscript.
I finished the book “Killer Angels,” last night. Pulitzer prize winner. But hard to read. The version in the history books about Gettysburg don’t tell the story at all!
I wish I could go back and look at the field again. “Little Round Top,” “Big Round Top” and Seminary Hill. Oh well, I probably wouldn’t know much more than I do now because I am not a warrior.
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