Thursday, July 18, 2024

I’m ready for the election to be over!!!  I can’t get anything interesting on the television.  It seems like every channel has been preempted and you have to sit and wait for the show continue.

I’ve been watching old movies.  It’s amazing how TV programing has changed.  And with playback, I have learned how many minutes of a show are used for advertising.  Over half of the time--for some channels.

I like Discover, Shark Tales, and anything nature or science.  Back in the “good-old-days,” we only had three channels, and news once in the evening.

The weathermen predict the worst possibilities all day long, so you really don’t know what the weather is until it happens. Everyone tells me to pay up for ad-free TV.  I would if someone would do it for me.  I don’t want to learn how to do it--and end up owing someone a million dollars. I’m a perfect scam target.

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