Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I have been going to Physical Therapy.  They torture you for an hour and when you leave you think you are going to die.  I'm not sure how causing you severe pain is the cure for the pain you started with.  The general consensus is that I am not moving enough, and not stretching my I-T band.  Whatever that is.  I think they are probably right.  Once the planting and gardening season is over, I tend to sit and read.  I think of September to March as the "reading" season.

The big problem with the entire PT scene is that they send you home with exercises to do.  I detest doing exercises.  So...they torture me, I end up hurting worse than when I did when I went to PT, and then I have to do stuff I don't want to do.

Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to accomplish a greater good.  I don't think any of us like to do that.  That is why some people never make any progress in their lives.   They never grow.  Think of all the time you spent learning to add, subtract, etc.  Boring.  But the end result is that you can function with numbers for the rest of your life.

I learned to type in the tenth grade.  Horrible.  Hour after hour of tedious exercises to trick the brain into using a particular finger to type a particular letter.  But now, I can type 65+ words a minute without ever looking at my fingers.  And all that piano practice for an hour a day for years.  You get my drift.

The reward of practice is perfection.  Read your Bible.  It is a practice that leads you into the perfection that God intended for you.  No, you won't ever be perfect, but you will be better.  Our goal is to be pleasing to God.  It is the effort, not the result that he blesses.

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