Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My grandson, Sam Jacks (early twenties) did something last month that we are all kinda proud of.  He had two 69 back to back golf rounds in a PGA qualifying event that now classifies him as a pro.    "I asked him, "What does this mean?"  He told me that now he can now get a job as a pro on a golf course.  "But, can't you go on with PGA and play tournaments?" I asked.  "And where am I going to get that kind of money?" he replied.

So I don't guess I am going to get to be the grandmother of a famous golfer.  But I am the grandmother of a super grandson.  He has a good heart.  But I think he will have to find a second job to have enough money to buy a bean or two.  (He has asked Tiffany to marry him.  She said yes!!)

His dad, Scott, got to OU on a baseball scholarship, but tore his shoulder and knee up and squashed his pro-dreams.  He should probably have gone on to the minor leagues when they drafted him.   But, I'm glad he didn't.  It isn't much of a life.  He went to the Marines (like his father) after he graduated from college.  Some of you probably think that that isn't much of a life either.  But I love the Marines. They are some of the finest young men I have ever known.  I would marry one all over again.

My house in Pryor still hasn't sold.  I am totally befuddled.  So are the realtors.  Tomorrow, I am going to go there and take a look.  I've hired a woman to keep it clean.  I've hired a man to mow.  Scott checks on it.  God must have someone in mind to buy it that doesn't have the money yet??

My grand-daughter-in-law is in the middle east for three months in a God forsaken place where she has to wear a burka.  She has a fabulous job--but.  And of course, Becky--my traveler--is going to see her. That will give me something to worry about.

Ken and I never thought about all the people that would be involved in our lives back in 1956 when we got married.  Children, grand-children, great-grandchildren, in-laws, out laws and whatever else. They certainly enliven my life.  I never know what they will do next.

1 comment:

  1. Janie, thank you for thinking of me and for raising a fearless daughter to come visit. We'll have fun. I had dinner with a Marine and a British, female pilot tonight. She is currently flying around the world. It was fun listening to their flying adventures and call name stories. I look forward to reading your blog everyday!
