I am obsessing. When I bought this house, I did carpets, tile, paint, appliances and counter tops. It was almost a year ago. I stayed in Pryor while all of this was going on. But I later moved in the middle of everything and didn't get all of the repairs done.
Facing more renovation was daunting, so I didn't do the master bath. I wanted to do the yard, which was in really bad shape. So I ignored the bath, and worked in the yard. Which I love to do. But this last two weeks, I keep thinking about the master bath. Once something gets in my mind, I worry it to death--which is an indication of my personality.
I do the same thing with teaching. Ideas. Once I start thinking about something, I can't let it go. And then when I go to bed, I can't go to sleep. I have bees in my brain.
So, I probably will start the repairs on the chipped up master bath. It is the only thing I didn't do, so when it is done, I can put it all this renovation behind me. However, I want to pull a Scarlett and think about that tomorrow.
When Jesus was giving us the Sermon on the Mount, he said: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34
Or put another way: One day's trouble is enough for one day. So I think I will work in my garden.
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