In life, you have two things that have to be balanced. Time, and income. You work for money, and it takes your time. The more time you work, the more money you make. And the less time you have to do other things.
The question is, "How much money is enough?" I have watched people all my life that don't know the answer to that question. And don't know why they are working so many hours. And have so little time for their families and themselves.
The old saying, "Keeping up with the Joneses," dates back forever. Because it describes human nature. We don't know we want something until someone else gets one, and then we have to have one, too. Why? Because we want to look and feel like everybody else. No logical reason to spend money except that "we saw it, and we want it." That goes for shopping as well. Don't go in a store and you won't find something you can't live without. Same at the grocery store. Make a list and you won't give in to impulse buying.
And basically, we have given our time away--the time it took to make the money to buy the thing we wanted--for nothing. Most of the time, we will discard what we buy within the year. How many things do you have from the first five years of marriage? The first 10?
Becky says, "I would spend my money on an experience before I would spend it on stuff. You can keep an experience forever."
Experiences live in our hearts. And especially in the hearts of our children. Give your child, your grandchild, your time. It is worth much more than the current gadget.
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