My niece, Cheryl, said I should tell you about my adventures with the four dogs--she thought it was funny. Three of them went home yesterday. It's just me and Squig now.
Everything would have been fine if it hadn't rained. It turned my back yard into a mud bath. So every time I let the four of them out, as I told you the other day, there were sixteen feet to clean when they came in. Which I could have managed with the three Schnauzers, but the fourth dog was a big border collie (mix) named Sadie who wanted to lick my face every time she came in the house.
Which meant that I was covered in mud as well. She is almost as big as I am--which put me on my rear end on the floor where all four of them could kiss me, walk on me, and generally spread mud over everything.
After a couple of times, I started letting the little dogs in one at a time. Cleaning that one up and going back for the next one. But even when I had all three of them cleaned up, there was still Sadie. Way too big for me to pick up.
Solution: I started putting them all in the car every morning, and driving them over to Becky's house to let them out. And noon. And evening. She has grass--and tiled floors. My house is carpet.
Four dogs in a car. Not so good. Three times every day, worse. And all of them had to be on leashes or they would have run. Letting them out of the car one at a time on a leash--difficult. Getting them back in the car--worse.
But we needed rain. So I guess it was a small price to pay.
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