Friday, March 18, 2016

Now that everything is blooming, and the bulbs are up, of course, being Oklahoma, it's going to freeze this weekend.  That's okay.  I figured that would happen when I put the tomatoes in the ground.  But being a true believer, I believed it just might not happen.  And it is better to plant tomatoes twice with hope, than wait until it is warm enough to do it only once.

I will just plant some more.

At choir today, I moved from the alto section to the tenor section.  I have a voice that can go either way, but the low notes are easier.  It was a lot more fun because I was able to sing what was written.  I hadn't been able to reach many of the high alto notes.  But I can hit all the tenor notes.  The director said his wife was a tenor as well.  So maybe it isn't that unusual for a woman to sing tenor.

Being in the choir isn't going to be all that bad.  Maybe I will learn to enjoy it.  My attitude is improving.  I don't know if my voice is or not.

God gave us harmony.  Music.  And color.  And dogs.  I think my dog Squig is the most wonderful friend.  He loves me.  I love him.  He follows me around.  He comes when I call.  He never complains.  The only thing I don't understand is why God gave dogs such a short life span.  Just when we are totally in love with our dog, he begins to fail.  Growing old.  It makes me sad.

Love is sad.  But wonderful.  When you love someone, you know that someday, one of you is going to end up with a broken heart.  I don't like to see sadness in the ones I love.  I also don't like being the one left behind.

But how much better than to never have loved at all.  


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