It's interesting what ordinary people can accomplish. Peter was one of those ordinary persons. He spent three years following Jesus, listening to him, watching him perform miracles, but...Peter didn't get much out of it. It had been interesting, but when Jesus died, Peter went back to fishing.
When push came to shove, when Jesus was taken before the accusers, Peter had said, "I don't know the man," not once but three times. Peter was not changed. He had been in on Jesus minestry; he was part of the Jesus crowd; but he was still just Peter. A fisherman. Weak. Afraid.
But three things happened that changed his life. First, Christ appeared to him after the crucifixion--risen from the dead. Jesus was alive!! Second, Jesus asked him, "Peter, do you love me?" Not once, but three times--for each of the times Peter had denied Jesus. Peter was given an opportunity to confess, and be forgiven. And third, 50 days after the crucifixion, the Holy Spirit was given to those in the upper room who had been waiting on this promise from Jesus. To Peter.
1. A risen Christ. 2. A forgiven life. 3. The indwelling Spirit of God.
And Peter left the upper room and went to the city center where he began to speak to thousands and thousands who had gathered there to find out what was going on. He told them about Jesus. Peter quoted scripture and prophecy. He not only said, "Yes, I knew him," but that Jesus was risen and was the Messiah and King of the Jews. He told them that they had crucified Jesus. That their only hope was to repent. Peter was fearless. He was a changed man.
People were stirred. The Bible says, "...pricked in their hearts..., and 3000 of them believed and were saved. The first church. And a Christian revolution broke out that changed the world.
Ordinary man. Extraordinary courage. Spirit filled message. God doesn't have a plan "B." You and I are it. All we have to do is tell others about a risen Christ, a forgiven life and the Spirit of God.
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