The man who helps me in my yard has really put the work in. I do what I can--which isn't much--but keeps my hands dirty. Which makes me happy. The temperature dropped to 28 degrees the other night, but I got everything covered and didn't lose anything.
I have never planted annuals, but this year I am putting some in. I just hate doing work that doesn't come back next year--but if you want color through the summer, you have to plant annuals. And do it again next year. And the next...etc. Forever.
It must be Easter because the lilies are coming up. They were 9 dollars a pot last year, but when they lost their flowers, I told the manager of the flower company that I would take all of them he had left if he would sell them to me for a dollar a pot. He said that would be fine. Sold me all of them. Fifty or so. I gave some of them to Ann and Becky. I hope some of them bloom this year.
God invented flowers to give us joy. "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Matthew 6:28
God invented color to make us happy. I planted flowers that were yellow, dark purple, peach, pink, white, and lavender. I'll do red next week.
Isn't God good!!!
(He invented music, too. I'm going to choir tomorrow. It is slowly getting better.)
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