When God breathed into Adam a living soul, Adam was complete. In God's image. I have often wondered about that. Was His image spiritual, or physical? What does it mean?
I don't think that it was physical, although in Genesis 3:8a, it says: "And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..." So I guess God can be physical and walk around if He wants to.
But I think "in His image" is probably that he gave us the ability to think. To plan. To communicate. To love. I can't think of a single reason why God would make man other than for fellowship. We have nothing to give Him that He doesn't already have--except for our free will. We get to choose. He can't make us love Him. We get to decide.
Humans need each other. We get really lonely if no one cares about us. We want to be chosen by someone. We want to be loved. I think God is like that. He desires our love so he freely gave us His love first. I think that must be what it means to be created in His image. The ability to give love.
The thing about Ken that won my heart was that he wanted me to be his wife bad enough that he didn't give up trying. I said "No" week after week after week. But he just kept flying from Pensacola, Florida to Pryor, Oklahoma every weekend, buzzing the town, breaking the sound barrier, (yes, it was illegal but he did it anyway) and trying to convince me to marry him. The entire town knew his intentions and my rejections. It didn't deter him. He just wouldn't give up.
It's hard to resist love. I am so glad I didn't. I would have missed the love of my life.
God loves us. But He lets us choose. Choose Him. You won't ever be sorry.
Such a sweet story! I am glad you finally said, "yes!"