If I haven't offended you yet, this blog will probably do it. And as long as I am on this rant about Abby, let me say that the first time--back in the late fifties, early sixties--that I heard her say that the homosexual community was "born that way," that they could not help themselves, (a statement she made with no clinical or medical expertise), I thought to myself, "Where is this woman getting this stuff?" At the time, Ken was teaching Sociology, Criminal Justice, Marriage and Family, and Deviant Behavior--one topic being on sexual deviation. In addition to text books, he had hundreds and hundreds of studies and test cases, etc., and sometimes--when I was waiting on him at the end of the day for us to start home--I would read those test cases. None of them ever supported Abby's opinion--unless the person had dual, or partial sexual organs.
I came to the conclusion that if you want to say that any behavior deviant to the norm can be classified as, "I was born that way," then let's include them all. Why single out homosexuals.
The pedophile who is sexually attracted to children. He or she has no interest in people their own age, only children. Or babies. Shall we have a parade for the pedophile? Are they born that way? Or the farm boy who finds he is attracted to goats. (Good grief. You would be amazed at how may cases of deviant behavior there are with animals--as also covered thousands of years ago in the Old Testament.) The serial murderer who is driven to kill. He kills again and again. He just can't help it?
The shoplifter who has an inner drive to steal--even when she doesn't need to--just for the rush?
The compulsive liar who lies when the truth would sound better. If you are born that way, then you aren't responsible for your behavior. And God can't hold you accountable.
Personally, I have never believed that people can't control themselves. We choose what we do. However. We all have friends or family involved in behaviors contrary to the norm, and must remember that we are not their judge. God is. But to say that God would create you to be unable to control something he has forbidden you to do doesn't make sense to me. As I said yesterday, I can love someone without endorsing what they do. You get to choose what you do. It's called free will.
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