Friday, July 22, 2016

We are only one generation removed from the wild west.  My dad's dad was murdered.  There are lots of thoughts about who did it.  But, suffice to say, my grandfather was wealthy.  He ran cattle in western Oklahoma before we became a state.  After he was gone, his widow married a scoundrel who absconded with all of the money, leaving her penniless.  My dad was only 7 at the time, and worked like a grown man from that day on in the cafe.  Like I said yesterday, slaughtering hogs, cows, or whatever was needed.  He understood preparing meat for the kitchen.

He was born in 1910, lived to be 94, and ate pork, bacon, ham and lard (in some form or another) his entire life.  Maybe you can't eat like that, but thank God, I inherited my father's metabolism.  I burn up everything I eat, and don't gain weight.  It is a blessing.

And even though my heart has no beats, (they cut out the AV node) every time I go to the cardiologist, he remarks on how healthy my heart is.  No cholesterol.  Nothing even remotely clogged.  Strong muscle.  As long as I have a pacemaker, I can eat bacon forever.  All I need is a battery.

But my eyes.  Well this last three weeks have been miserable.  I kept thinking my glasses would show up.  They didn't.  So I have been writing to you without being able to see much of what I was writing.  But this morning I got my new glasses and can see the keyboard.  I asked the lady who fitted them how people could see in the olden days and she said, "They didn't.  They went blind."

We are so blessed.  In our world, if you break, there is generally a way to fix it.  However, those fixes don't last forever.  And only God can give you a clean heart.  The Bible says that someday we will get a new body.  And I won't need glasses or a battery.

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