Thursday, July 14, 2016

We are all outside the will of God in one way or another.  That is why it behooves us not to point fingers.  Anything outside of the will of God, he calls sin.  We do not like that word.  It is harsh.  We would rather say we made a bad choice--or a mistake.  Or that what we did was an accident.  Or we didn't have time to think things through--circumstances overtook us.  Whatever; just don't call it sin.

What the world has come to, is to say that anything you want to do is okay.  That there are no absolutes.  Which of course means that there is no God.  No standard that we must live by.   After that becomes acceptable in the general population, the next step is to ridicule those who believe that there is a God and who try to pattern their lives after His precepts.  The world labels us as bigots--when in fact we are the ones who have confessed that we are sinful--that we want to accept God's standard for our lives. But by doing so, it looks like we are judging those who deny God's right to make rules for their lives.  And by making a choice, we are moving in a different direction.  "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."  James 5:16  When you become a  Christ follower, you confess, then try to change what you do.  Daily.  Which you couldn't do without the help of God himself.

Judges 17:6  "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  The result was chaos.  Israel fell.  Hard. We, too, are a lawless generation.  We don't want anybody to tell us what to do.  We think we are so smart.  We each think we know more than those who are in charge.  How can we possibly escape the judgement of God?

  Genesis 6:6  "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."  I personally do not want to grieve God.  I just read His word, and try to get in line with it.  I can't answer for what anyone else does.  They will have to.  Good luck with that.

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