The last time I lived through such horrible rancor among the American people was during the Civil Rights movement. People calling each other names, killing each other and two sides shouting slogans and refusing to listen to each other or to reason on issues. This is awful. I am ready for this election to be over--and with all the anger on both sides--I wonder what people will do when someone wins. Will people accept whoever wins? Or will this go on for four more years? Or eight?
My America, during the forties and fifties, was generally polite. I can't help but wonder what our children will grow up and think--of the process of our government under this bitterness we are trying to endure--hoping that people will learn to work together to solve our real problems. Most people haven't seen that in their lifetimes. I have. But then, I have lived a long time.
God gave us instructions for our responsibility to obey law and order.
Romans 13:2-5 "So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow...So if you don’t want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman is sent by God to help you...He is sent by God for that very purpose. Obey the laws, then, for two reasons: first, to keep from being punished, and second, just because you know you should. Pay your taxes too, for these same two reasons. For government workers need to be paid so that they can keep on doing God’s work, serving you...and give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due."
I like the words, "...just because you should." Do what is right, even if no one else is. Just because you should.
That's easy to understand.
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