Friday, November 1, 2019

I got through the night with nobody ringing my door.  Turning all of the lights off did the trick.  I don't mind giving them the candy and treats, I just can't do the hopping up and down when the bell rings. Answering the door is kinda like  answering my phone.  It takes me forever to get to it.  I usually carry it around with me.  I have learned to take my time so I don't trip myself.  I don't know why they call these the Golden Years!!  You do everything slower, so you don't get much done.

Which is okay.  I don't have much to do anyway.  I'm just blessed that at this time of life I have found something to do that gives me joy.  I've started writing and I like to do it.  All the junk floating around in my brain gets put on paper.  

Just watched Nova: The rise of the mammals.  In the last couple of years, they are saying what I have been saying for the last fifty years.  They've found that there was darkness on the earth 66 million years ago because the sun was blocked out (by atmospheric fire and smoke) and the dinosaurs died.  They finally caught up with the Bible. "...there was darkness on the face of the deep..."Gen.1:2

They have had to radically revise their time line. Now they are saying evolution after that didn't take much time at all. That once life began to take hold again, all the animals we have today exploded into diversity. Which, of course, makes no sense.  One problem is that we have zillions of bones of dinosaurs in strata from 66 million years ago, and nothing to speak of in strata after that.  Where is the evidence of all this evolution that was supposed to have happened since then?  Where are the bones of all this evolving diversity?  There is almost nothing.  Certainly no significant layers of strata showing this "evolution."

I've seen science change their minds and revise their theories dozens of time over those fifty years, but the Bible stays the same because it is the truth.  You don't have to revise the truth.

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