Monday, November 11, 2019

The Book!!  I have to rewrite one chapter, but there are only two pages left to edit.  I had to stop before the publisher and I did the last two pages, because my head was killing me.  Tension headache on steroids.  When you give up with only two pages to go, you know you have a killer headache.

Tomorrow we will go over a few problems that have been highlighted, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I thought the editor and I would never get to the end of this.

Think twice before you decide to write a book.  If you give it to a publisher, Every word is subject to change.  Every sentence is subject to review.

I had to fight for my words.  The words I wrote were the words I wanted to use.  But editors think they have better words.  They don't.  They are just different words.  Most of the words I had written were worth fighting for.  

Not much changed.  Which is good.  But it was a fight and it wore me out.

It has been agonizing. 

If I had known at the beginning what I know know, I don't think I could have proceeded.

However, since it is almost over, I am glad I stuck with it. 

I wonder what it will feel like to see my book for sale at Barnes and Noble.  I can't imagine what that will feel like.  It seems strange to think of something like that.  It makes me nervous.

Of course, there's still--still--the possibility that won't happen.

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