Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Singing Church Women are coming to Edmond.  There are a number of Pryor people coming that are friends of mine.  That will be a treat--to see people I haven't seen in a while.

My Choir got canceled today because the groups are using the choir rooms to practice.  Just as well, it's ice cold and raining outside anyway.

I was going to go to teacher's meeting last night even though it was pouring down rain--but Squig was having a meltdown--the rain.  I just couldn't leave him in that condition.  He was shaking so hard I thought he was going to pass out.  I gave him a pill smushed up in peanut butter.

Then, I wrapped him up in a blanket--when he can't hear the rain it helps sometimes. But not last night.  I usually give him medication before the rain gets here if I think of it.  Otherwise, when I give him a pill, it takes him awhile to calm down and go to sleep.  

It's a terrible thing to be frightened by something you don't understand, can't get away from, and don't know what to do.  He usually finds something to crawl under.  I have a piece of furniture next to my chair that is up on legs.  He usually crawls under it to shiver.  

I dreamed last night that I went to a writer's conference and when it was over, everyone left before I could gather my things up to leave; they turned the lights off and I couldn't find my way out in the dark and was stuck there.  That's how I feel about the book I wrote.  I can't get my editor to stay with it and get it done.  We lack 20 pages out of 300.  It's going to drive me nuts.  Carolyn and Jeanette keep me calmed down most of the time. Sometimes it works.

It was supposed to be published in September.  That didn't happen.


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