Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The young man I wrote about yesterday, Jeremiah, who played the cello for my connection group Sunday, also helped his grandmother stage our connection group's trunk or treat display Thursday night.

It was so cold outside for trunk or treat, the church moved the games and decorations inside.  Jeremiah's grandmother Carolyn, had designed a really cute cartoon character--a pink octupus with arms going in all directions.  She then turned it into a game.  She is our group's creative genius.

 Each of the octopus' arms had a cup attached to it, and Jeremiah took charge of explaining the game to each child as they came to the display.  He gave them a number of ping-pong balls, told them they would get their candy when they got a ball in one of the cups and gave them their treats when they succeeded.

He is such a good kid.  He was dressed as Jack Sparrow.  His long brown hair made his costume even more believable.  He also looks like Johnny Depp, which didn't hurt.  Hard to imagine a fifteen year old boy helping us on a Friday night.

But the biggest challenge of the evening was chasing down the ping-pong balls that missed the cups.

My friend Jeanette said that was what she did most of the evening with Jeremiah's help.  Chase ping-pong balls as they bounced all over the fellowship hall floors.  

She has been on a Weight Watchers point count thing where you count your steps, and said chasing ping-pong balls probably put her over her steps for a year or two.  She's only a couple of pounds from her goal anyway.  Linda and Cindy helped at well.  They let me stay home so I didn't have to get out in the weather and drive at night--which I don't like to do.  Thank you all.

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