Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Squig got me up at 2:30 in the morning.  He wanted to go outside.  I could have strangled him.  But then, for the first time ever, he let me sleep until 7:00.

There was a line I printed yesterday from 2 Tim. 4:10 "...Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed..."  Paul is in a hole in the ground awaiting trial by Nero for the second time and someone that he counted on has let him down.

People let us down.  We think we are in agreement, we think we are going in the same direction--especially in the church--and someone we counted on veers off to the pull of something else in their world that they want to do.

And people with power do the strangest things sometimes.  Recently a function that I have been faithful to attend (along with 30 others) was permanently cancelled.  With no input from the people who attend. The reason it was canceled was because people in their fifties didn't want to go to a function with people in their parents age group--people in their seventies and eighties.

What made it strange was that they didn't come anyway.  I never did figure out why they didn't design a function for their age group instead of deep-sixing the older groups function.  But they had the power to do it and they did.  They weren't being mean, they just didn't ask for input from those who were affected.  People in power, as I said, do strange things.

I always liked to go to church business meetings where ideas were discussed before they were decided.  Everyone got to point out pros and cons.  And you found out that there were a lot of people who thought like you did, but were too shy to rock the boat.  Every now and then, you need to rock the boat.  The function I attended will be restored, because I'm getting ready to rock the boat. And I've found that once I make a legitimate protest, others agree and assist.

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