Friday, November 22, 2019

If I ever knew this story, I had forgotten it.  How I can forget things like this, I don't know, except I had major heart surgery and was out of commission from the time Scott was ten years old until he was a couple of years older.  I think I missed a lot of dumb stuff he did.

He had to have braces--and of course they hurt every time the orthodontist tightened them.  He had knocked his front teeth out doing some stupid thing or another and the dentist was trying to repair, replace and align what was necessary.

 He hated the braces.  So one day, he took a pair of pliers and peeled them off his teeth and threw them in the trash.  Scott says I was furious.  I'm sure I was.  Scott said Ken was as mad at him as I was.  He had to take him to Muskogee to the orthodontist for repairs.  You can imagine what that cost.  It was always something with Scott.  In his favor, he never did the same thing twice.

He said the maddest I got was when he was supposed to play in an All Star baseball game, but his arm had been broken and he was in a plaster cast.  He wanted the cast off so he could play.  So he soaked the cast in water and peeled it off.  And let the residue of the plaster run down the drain which stopped up the plumbing.  Scott said his sister Pat drove him to the game.  Pat and Becky always took mercy on him.  How he played ball with a broken arm, I don't know.

I don't remember that one either.  I do remember when Dr. Collins put the cast on him the doctor said, "If you and Ken ever have to leave town, let me know so I can put Scott in a full body cast before you go--to keep him from breaking something while you are gone.  That hadn't been the first cast Scott had.

His problem was that he had no fear.  I wish I could say he got better as he got older, but that wouldn't be true.  He joined the Marines because it was fun.

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