Friday, November 8, 2019

Yesterday was jus one of those days.  You know what I mean.  Nothing turned out like I planned for it to turn out.

And that evening, after I had done a load of wash, when I put the wash in the dryer, the dryer didn't work.

And it was so bitterly cold, I certainly wasn't going to go shopping for a new dryer. 

This morning when I got up the dryer was working again, so something did turn out right.  Of course, I won't leave the house with the dryer running ever again for fear something is really wrong with it.

I'm taking a friend to the hospital for a surgical procedure today, so I am taking my sudoku book with me for something to do.

When I have a day that is frustrating like that, I eat.  It's counter-productive.

So I spent the day watching episodes of Dr. Pol that I had recorded on TV.  Pull calves, sew up goats, and a lot of other things that were disgusting.

I ended up not going to the singing church choir performance.  It was icy cold and I'm not supposed to get in crowds until the flu season is over anyway.  

I kept thinking, "In everything give thanks," and being glad the Bible didn't say, "For everything give thanks," because I was grumpy with everything that had happened during the day.

I'm not usually grumpy.  Today is going to be better. I'm smiling already.

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