Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lately, every time I turn the television on, especially the news, there is a new phrase that is being used that is really stupid because the news people don't know the word they are using. They just heard someone else use it.

It is the phrase, "The calculus is..."   Have you heard it?

The news person will be talking about something and say, "Well the calculus of the situation is..."  Or, "That will involve the calculus of what they find out..." or some other stupid use of the word calculus.

Does it makes them feel important?   I'm no engineer, but calculus is one of the easier courses that engineers took.  And the field of engineering is for brains.  Most people don't try that field of study because it is way beyond difficult.  Excruciatingly difficult.    You don't have to have calculus to be a news anchor.  I bet none of them ever took calculus and don't even know what calculus is. 

Calculus is the study of limits.  So I guess if the newsperson is talking about the fact that the American public has reached the limit of their endurance with the government not getting anything done, they may be using the word calculus correctly.

Government has become dysfunctional. (dis-functional)  And functions are important distinctions in calculus.  They are stated as f(x).  And in calculus, you derive something from f(x)= ?.  They aren't deriving anything in Washington.  They've quit functioning.  So maybe the news is right--the calculus of the situation with the government is stagnant?  We should pray for them all.

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