Friday, November 15, 2019

Yesterday was a stellar day.  I got something done that has been on my list of things to do for over thirteen months.  Ever since the day I moved last year.

I had a wall over there that I called my Wedding Wall.  Pictures of Ken and me, my children's, and their children's wedding pictures were hung there.  

But when I moved here, I didn't have a wall where I could put them.  For some reason, this house has fewer blank walls and more windows.  So I stacked them on a bed in a bedroom I didn't use--to do later.  And they have stayed there all this time--along with all the other pictures I didn't know what to do with.

My solution was to close the door to the room when I had visitors.  And procrastinate.  But my friend Jeanette said she would help me.  She couldn't make any decisions--I had to do that--but she said she would keep me company while I worked.

Now that is a true friend.  It took the better time of the day, but I got all the pictures in boxes and stored away.  I had thought that having to look at the mess would motivate me to do something about it.  It didn't.  But with the pictures in boxes where I can deal with them one box at a time, I might, (might) get them sorted to give to the people who need to have them or throw them away. (?)  Everyone keeps their photos on their phones nowadays.

Then tomorrow, I am going to have a party at my house for my connection group--and leave the bedroom door open.  The room looks great.  No pictures on the bed.  No mess.

Amazing what an offer from a friend--to help you--can do for your attitude.  I just didn't want to do it by myself.  Too boring.  I needed someone to talk to me while I worked.   My friend Jeanette came to my rescue.

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