Monday, November 18, 2019

I'm taking Squig to the Vet this morning.  He just isn't acting like himself.  I think raising four kids qualifies me to know when something is "off."  He's lethargic and has had pancreatitis before--which makes me uneasy.  it's a common malady for Schnauzers.  I'm probably just overly cautious.

Sunday we discussed (in my connection group) how different writers of the books in the New Testament began their gospels, or letters.

Matthew started with the genealogy of Jesus to prove that He was of the linage of David, and a rightful heir to the throne as the Messiah of the Jews.

Mark began by reminding us that the prophets said that God would send a messenger before Jesus came--and John the Baptist was it.

Luke was writing to a friend, (Theophilus) and started his gospel by saying he wanted to put in writing the order of things that he had learned about Jesus and authenticate the record of the eyewitness that Luke knew.

John started before the world began to establish that Jesus was there at the creation, and in fact was the Creator.

Acts was written again to Theophilus, and was Luke's account of things after Jesus died.  It is considered the only book of history in the New Testament.

Then we have the letters from Paul, who starts most of his letters authenticating that he is an apostle.  That he had met Jesus on the road to Damascus, and had been ordained as the apostle to the Gentiles.

And after that, the book of Hebrews--no one is sure who wrote it.  If you look at the introductions of all the other books, maybe it could have been a group who composed it.  Maybe they sat with Paul in prison while someone recorded their thoughts?  Or maybe, as Latayne Scott posited in her book, "A Conspiracy of Breath" it was Priscilla.  I loved that book. I also love the book of Hebrews.

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