Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Yesterday was a good day.  I got my hair cut.  It's amazing how much difference a haircut makes in how you feel.  I had given up on finding someone here to cut it and occasionally gone back to Pryor to get my hair cut.

When you move, especially at my age, there are so many people that you have to find to replace your tried and true people from your old home.

Someone to do your hair, a dentist, general practitioner, handy-man, electrician you trust, plumber, heat and air, etc. etc., the list is endless.

And for someone like me, you have to find a zillion specialists for all the parts of your body that are falling apart.  

I've found replacements, but some people can never be replaced.  However, God sent me Tony--who can do absolutely everything.  He came last week and put can lights in my utility room so I can see to do the wash.  

I have a two car garage, and getting two Town cars into it isn't easy.  The first week I lived here I misjudged the new width, (I had a three car garage across the street) and scraped the garage entry.  Tony came and painted it.  It wasn't bad, but things like that drive me nuts.  I've since adjusted to the new narrow width of the door.  I don't like it, but it is what it is.

My son in law said that I need to sell one of the cars and get one that isn't so big.  But the oldest one is twenty years old and worth nothing.  I like having it when the other one needs work--which almost never happens.  

The garage is the only thing I gave up when I moved.  It's hard to open the car door when two cars are inside it.  But I've adjusted.  I love the flat driveway--that's why I moved across the street anyway.  I can make it to the mailbox!!  

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