Thursday, April 23, 2020

I am writing about something that I know nothing about, so I called my brother to find out about guitars.  He plays.  You would think that music would be written so that anyone could read it., it isn't.

On the piano, there are notes on the page you are reading.  You play each note as an individual entity--each finger has an appointed note to play.  All of your fingers are "reading" different positions and keys when you are looking at a printed page of music.

On the guitar I think you are playing chords for the most part.  Unless you are a classical guitarist.  You can play individual notes, but chords are critical.  You read the chord.

If you play the piano by ear, you usually don't play in very many keys.  And there are a bunch of keys----A to G major, plus sharps, flats and minors. It gets complicated to read.  I've forgotten more than I ever knew about it.

Playing by ear doesn't help you if you are playing for a choir, or an orchestra.  You have to read each individual note and each individual finger to do that.

And of course, that doesn't take into account timing. 

Whatever you play, it's complicated.  Except for the old wax paper wrapped around a comb instrument.  All you have to do with it is hum.  It tickles your lips, but it's fun.

God gave us music.  God gave us flowers and color.  God gave us each other.  I'm really missing the "each other" part of living right now.

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