Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Once the idea that being a Jew is not enough, and that keeping the law is not enough, (which no one could do) Paul goes on to one of his famous "Therefores," and concludes:

"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." 3:28   That pretty much sums it up.  Does that mean the law has no importance in our lives.  Absolutely not.  The law is a guide to for our behavior.  We are to obey the law.  Christ obeyed the law.  But it is the Spirit of God within us that redeems us.  His blood payment for sin.

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."  No worry; no dread; no fear----just peace.  Thank God.

Paul says in 5:3  "...tribulation produces patience..."  So don't pray for patience!!  That is what Ken's mom told me.  You'll get more tribulation.  Just endure what is coming your way with the patience you already have.

We all want instant solutions.  Instant answers.  Instant gratification.  Instant relationships.  Instant information.  We live in an instant generation.

But as we are learning--in the middle of this pandemic--nothing is instant and we have to wait.  But waiting is not in our "background training" because this generation grew up in an instant world.  Waiting is a rare thing for some. 

So " still, and know that I am God."  Cool it.  This too shall pass--just maybe not on your time schedule.  The whole world is learning a new way to live.  And reconnecting to their families.  And hopefully reconnecting to God.

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