Friday, April 10, 2020

I woke up at 4:00 this morning.  Never a good time to wake up--bettered only by not waking up at all.  By 7:30 AM I was ready for lunch.  Being cooped up like all of us are is havoc on maintaining weight much less losing any.

I decided that it was time to clean out the freezer of my side-by-side.  Every time I've cooked anything, or anyone has brought me something, I usually have eaten a small bit of it and frozen small portions of what is left.  Resulting in freezer over load.

Which has been a life saver over past few weeks.  Only problem is that none of it is labeled, so I have no idea what I am thawing out.  I decided weeks ago that I was going to eat whatever ended up in the package that I set out on the counter to thaw.  I freeze the portions in Saran wrap rolled over a bunch of times which squishes the edges of whatever is being wrapped--making identification impossible most of the time.

It's been interesting.  So far, everything has been okay.  Edible.  But I'm not a discriminating eater.  I'll eat almost anything except milk, ice cream or yogurt.  Milky things are not on my list of "likes."  However, I do like sour cream and whipped cream--go figure.

I did make one of those frozen grated potato, sour cream, eggs, cheese, and sausage casseroles, cut it in 24 pieces, wrapped them in Saran and froze them.  That has been a breakfast solution.  Thank heaven for the microwave.  If this quarantine goes on much longer, I think I'm eventually going to have to cook.  Ann brought me chili.  Jeaninne brought Mexican.  Linda brought stuffed peppers.  I think it's about my turn.  I owe everyone on the street.

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