Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Once you know you are examining a (1) letter, from (2) Paul, to the (3) Jewish nation, you are ready to read Romans.  The style of the letter is that of a defense lawyer.  He sets up his case for Jesus step by step.  He wrote them 1:2 "Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord...seed of David..." (in the flesh)

Every Jew knew the King was coming--and that he would come from the lineage of David.  One of the reasons many people followed Jesus was because they believed he would over throw Roman rule, and restore Israel rule.  When Jesus died, those followers deserted--because obviously if "The King" died, he wasn't the Messiah.  Jews today are still looking forward to the coming King--the Messiah--and don't accept Jesus.  Even through He fulfilled all their prophecies.

Paul first makes the case that all people are without excuse, that anyone, anywhere, can know there is a creator--that they don't need the law, Moses, or Jewish linage.  Then he declares that all--Jews and Gentiles--are inexcusable (2:1) and says that "...all have sinned and come short..." 3:23.

Paul discusses their laws, shows why laws don't save a person because nobody can keep them, then makes the case for faith...using Jewish scripture to do so.  Specifically Abraham--the father of the Jews.  Saying, "He staggered not at the promise of God...but was strong in faith..."  If Abraham was saved by faith, then it wasn't by law--which came years and years later with Moses.

There are so many great, comforting, positive verses in Romans that it's hard not to underline them all.  Like: "But God gave his love to us while we were still sinners; Christ died for us."  We weren't worth it, but He did it anyway. 

Point by point, Paul makes a case for Christ that has no holes.  Iron clad.  The law doesn't save you.  Faith in the promises of God saves you through Jesus.  

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