Wednesday, April 15, 2020

UPS delivered final copy.  "The Letter."  Will read it today and tomorrow and sign off on it.  Hallelujah!!!

Last night, Pat called and said she made sauerkraut and dumplings.  I think that's one of the only things that could have pried me out of my house.  She lives almost thirty minutes east of here.  She hasn't been exposed, but Tom goes to work every day.  He said he stays six feet away from everyone and wears a mask.  Washes his hands and disinfects.  I hope so!!

Ken's grandmother--Grannie--taught all of us how to make sauerkraut and dumplings.  It's a Bavarian dish.  You roast ribs in the oven till brown.   Then, put them in a pot with water and sauerkraut and rye seeds.  Boil till the meat until it falls off the bone.  Then you drop dumplings into the boiling water to cook.  It's yummy.   

My car hasn't been driven almost anywhere but once--to the bank--in the last month.  I needed cash to pay the guy who mows the lawn.  He usually bills me at the end of the month, but I felt sure he would appreciate cash.  He did.  People need what they need right this minute.  Usually food.  There are lots of hungry people around us.  So many people that live paycheck to paycheck.  Those of us with an income need to help the "Working Poor."  (That's Becky's husband Craig's description of people who are trying to help themselves and can't quite get there.) And the plain old poor-poor as well.  

You know, the instructions that Jesus gave us on the way to live life were pretty simple.  Love others, and help the poor.  Be kind to your neighbor.  You help the poor people you know.  And the ones you don't as well.  And hope someone else will help the poor people they know.  It's contagious. 

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